Writing on engineering, software design, and motorsport.

A long-form collection of my thoughts on engineering, programming, and motor racing, plus anything else that catches my attention!

October 13, 2024
Formula Student IMechE Sim Racing Challenge

Understanding vehicle dynamics is fundamental to the competitive world of motorsport. As an aspiring engineer in the field, this challenge is a fantastic opportunity that blends my love of racing with precision engineering, through the analysis of MOTEC data to improve vehicle performance measured by lap times.

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June 10, 2024
Surgical Robot University Project

The innovative field of medical robotics has experienced significant growth over the last twenty years. During my first year studies at Cardiff University, we were tasked with designing a ‘surgical robot’ controlled by an Arduino Uno R3 board. Using only micro-servo motors, I quickly realised that the key to a functional and accurate device would be to create C++ code that was adaptable to the inevitable last minute design changes.

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April 10, 2024
Renewable Heating Solutions Research Project

Renewables and heating have become extremely topical in recent times. During my foundation years studies, I produced a literature review for an Engineers Without Borders National Challenge examining biomass heating solutions that could be implemented Govan, Scotland, to combat fuel poverty. Despite the extensive Biomass heating infrastructure seen in Scandinavia, I was stuck by the complexity of implementing and maintaining biomass feedstocks, as well as their debatable indirect effects on CO2 emissions.

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